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In the past, organisations have spent large parts of their marketing budget on producing brochures and their web site. With advances in technology, a video can now get the message across more powerfully and cost effectively.
The video we produce for you can be delivered to your audience in a variety of ways:


Video On The Web

If you have not considered using video or audio on your website, then now is the time. 
The amount of video being watched over the internet is currently increasing by around 25% every three months. 
As a result of technology advances, production costs have fallen substantially in recent years. Cheaper storage and faster internet connections are rapidly improving the quality of audio and video on-line.
Use video on the web:

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- To improve the impact of your website
- To cost effectively reach a large audience
- To provide instant access to your videos


Video for DVD

Now that even the most basic new PCs have built in DVD players, DVD is the best way to deliver high quality video and audio to the desktop and to the tv screen.
The cost of DVD copying is only fractionally more than for CDs and the level of interactivity that can be incorporated into a DVD is greater than most people appreciate.
Use DVDs:

- for delivery of high quality video and audio
- for display at exhibitions (e.g.plasma screen)
- as a promotional item that people can take away
- for interactive training


Video For Broadcast

With more and more television channels available, the opportunity to deliver content via broadcast has expanded many times over. Television advertising rates can be realistic and many broadcasters need and will pay for content to fill their allocated hours. Use Broadcast:

- for promoting your product or ideas to a broad audience
- for delivery of general interest and specialist
educational and documentary content